Some Ideas have great impact
We invented several new products, brands and solutions for every desired topic of our valued customers.
The opposer of the good is the better
So we develope numerous solutions side by side to our clients.
Every project profits from minor and major improvements we developed togehter.
State of the art sustainability
The Kenkorp Consulting product range produces ecological friendly products for various safety and design applications. The usage of our products, past and present, are used daily in commercial aircraft flying the globe. This goes hand in hand with proven safety and cost effectiveness. We bring light emitting material to the ground in order to support and serve daily life.
Customized Safety
The world is becoming energy hungry, and infrastructure cannot keep up with the demand therefore power outages become more abundant and often. We offer a way to provide guidance in case of these events. Our non-toxic, non-radioactive light powered safety products assist mother nature by not contaminating the earth with batteries and reduced electrical usage.
Innovated Marketing
The expansion of innovated marketing brings different ideas to “Light”. Our perspective of innovation offers new forms of engaging conversations. Customization allows people to find their own method of acceptance of how to better their lifestyle.
Staircase lighting
A major safety improvement offer our self illumination staircase lightings.
Easy to install with a huge impact on safty.
Airplane Lighting
Fusce lobortis porttitor purus, vel vestibulum libero pharetra vel. Pellentesque lorem augue, fermentum nec nibh et, fringilla sollicitudin orci. Integer pharetra magna non ante.
self-luminous Signage
Fusce lobortis porttitor purus, vel vestibulum libero pharetra vel. Pellentesque lorem augue, fermentum nec nibh et, fringilla sollicitudin orci. Integer pharetra magna non ante.